About the power of rituals
I have just returned from a wedding in Sweden. It was a touching, solemn ceremony in a small circle in which the bride and groom married each other.
Rituals like this wedding give special meaning to our lives. They create a sacred place and time. And above all, they touch us on an emotional level. Rituals connect us with each other on a deeper level. I felt that especially during this celebration.

Through darkness into light
Now we have entered into a season where it gets light later in the morning and dark early in the evening. Our body feels it because, unlike in summer, it gets tired more quickly and our energy noticeably decreases. It is also the time when we spend much more time indoors – not only due to Covid-19. For many people this is a challenging time. How do you feel about it?

How a broader perspective can help us feel more at peace and ease in our lives
Challenging situations in life are learning opportunities. When we succeed in recognising our current beliefs through opening up inside, questioning them and replacing them with new, self-empowering convictions, we can gain a new quality of life.

The current time is ideal for tidying up your outer and inner world
As in spring, the current lockdown forces us to change our focus. Activities that normally take place outside are now shifting to the inside. What are you doing with this time? What are you doing with Yourself?

Outer and inner hygiene and why it is so important to look at both aspects
Today I would like to write about hygiene. Currently, everyone is talking about hygiene regulations relating to Covid-19 and their compliance is strictly monitored by the State. I think this provides a good opportunity to take a closer look at the topic of hygiene.

Why my Soul Power Blog symbolises trust, particularly in times of crisis
Today I am launching my Soul Power Blog. Something new that has grown and matured inside me over the last few months is now taking off – and I don’t just mean my blog.